The Art of Partimento

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The Art of Partimento

Giorgio Sanguinetti

The Art of Partimento Cover


What do you need this book for?


What are Partimenti?

How were they used for teaching in 17th and 18th century Naples?

Who were the great masters of Partimento?

What are the basic composite elements of Partimento?

What compositional forms are used in Partimenti? Toccatas? Fugues? Verses?

These are the questions you will find answered in this book, which combines theory and practice, analysis and history.

It may not be the best book if you are looking for something pragmatic to teach you how to create Partimenti, but it is certainly the one you need if you want to fully immerse yourself in Neapolitan musical education, get to know the masters of the four conservatories up close, and discover all the possibilities that Partimenti offer you, both to better learn composition and improvisation yourself and to better teach them to your students!

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Today’s Musician must know how music is composed, how to analyze each piece, and how to improvise with their instrument…

For this reason, I teach musicians all over the world how to express their creativity by teaching composition with the historical method of Partimenti!

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